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Wihan Quartet The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Carl Davis, conductor
Carl Davis Fanfare ‘The Mutuals (from ‘The Floorwalker) Scherzo ‘Shoplifters’ (from ‘The Floorwalker’) Valse amoureuse (from The Fireman’) The Fireman’s March (from ‘The Fireman) Scrubbing Up ‘Waltz’ (from ‘The Vagabond’) Loitering Without Intent (from ‘One A.M.’) Duet with Bedspring (from ‘One A.M.’) Gavotte I (from ‘The Count’) Scherzo (from ‘The Count’) Gavotte II (from ‘The Count’) Minuet (from ‘The Count’) Schottische (from ‘The Count’) Fun in Store (from ‘The Pawnshop’) The Combat / Polishing Balls (from ‘The Pawnshop’) Hello Hollywood / The Propman (from ‘Behind the Screen’) Trapdoors and Pistols (from ‘Behind the Screen’) The Flirtation (from ‘Behind the Screen’) Samba Under Protest! (from ‘The Rink’) Doing the Carving (from ‘The Rink’) Grand Waltz (from ‘The Rink’) The Conversion ‘What a Friend I Have in Jesus’ (from ‘Easy Street’) A Policeman’s Lot (from ‘Easy Street’) Tarantella ‘The Revolving Door’ (from ‘The Cure’) The Stagger (from ‘The Cure’) Scene d’amour (from ‘The Cure’) Two-Step ‘Happy Go-Lucky’ (from ‘The Curef) Dinner Maritime (from ‘The Immigrant’) The Arrival (from ‘The Immigrant’) Downtown Restaurant (from ‘The Immigrant’) Jailbreak ‘A Melodrama’ (from ‘The Adventurer’) Sitting Room Rag (from ‘The Adventurer’) Two-Step ‘Nothing Ventured’ (from ‘The Adventurer’) The Ice Cream Waltz (from ‘The Adventurer’)